Sunday, June 16, 2013

Belmont and Boys

Hey there, everyone! It has been such a crazy couple weeks, but I am back in action. I just got back from orientation at Belmont Friday, and I am here to tell you that there is honestly no better school in this country. Literally everything about that school is so far superior to anything I've ever seen, and I am so incredibly thankful to have the opportunity to attend there this fall. I went this past week to register for classes and such, and it was just the best two days! I met so many new friends and I got to meet my roommate, Grace, finally. This is her! How gorgeous is she?! We get along so well, and I know the next four years is going to be a blast. The first night there, it was mostly music majors who arrived early for their placement tests, so we all just sat around in the lobby while several guys played their guitars and everyone sang. It was such a cool glimpse of what college will be like at Belmont, and I honestly can not wait to be there. Grace and I also met a guy nursing major, which is practically unheard of. His name is Kevin, and he is just the coolest! We are all so excited to be nursing students.

Now the boy thing...

Don't worry--they're just Brian's little boys! :) They came to stay with us for nine days, and they are just precious. Gabe is 5 and Will is 4. I was a little worried about the whole situation before they came, but once I met them, I fell in love like I always do with little ones. They have such different personalities, and it was certainly a challenge getting to know they ways they do things and the way they are, but we had a wonderful time together.

This is Will. He is four years old and he loves Spiderman! He is a cuddler, and would drink a whole pot of coffee if you'd let him. He is the most precious little boy and has the cutest grin you have ever seen.
This is Gabe. He is five and looks absolutely identical to Brian! He loves to play with army men and toy guns, and makes the best sound effects ever. He's super sensitive, but a total sweetheart when he wants to be.
They were such a blast to hang out with, and I think they definitely found a new friend in me. I should have known I would love them! :)