Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Thing About Ladies

"The thing about ladies is that they attract everyone, not just gentlemen." 

I was talking to a friend of mine the other day about how many young men I considered to be losers had asked me for my number or expressed similar interest in me recently, and this is what he said in response. I just could not understand how as a genuine lady, I was attracting the sort of men I have been instead of the gentlemen I would prefer. This really made me think. Jacqueline Kennedy was the epitome of ladylike poise and grace, and is the model after which I shape those attributes in my own life. She was a true lady, and everyone loved her--everyone. Her kindness and her gracious love for people was so admirable, and her seemingly effortless charm and beauty was absolutely enchanting. A trail of glitter practically followed the woman everywhere she went. I can almost promise you, however, the same could not always be said about her admirers and the people she came in contact with every day. As the type of lady she was, she attracted the attention of everyone, including the ones she no doubt could do without. So as true ladies and women of God, we should be prepared the same thing. People are drawn to that type of woman because of the way she treats others and the love and kindness she shows to them. Her grace and her charm are appealing, and people simply want a part in that. Can you blame them?
With that said, however, we as ladies must remember that our hearts are what make us most appealing as women of God. 1 Peter 3:3-4 says,
"Don't be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should clothe yourself instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God." (NLT)
Although Mrs. Kennedy was undoubtedly considered a style icon and was known for her beauty and impeccable style, her heart was the reason people truly loved and admired her. She had such a gracious personality, and truly took up the role of a gentle and quiet spirit. She was powerful in her seemingly silent, yet intentional ways, and did not ever have to compromise her ladylike qualities to accomplish the things she did. She embodied everything it means to be feminine and ladylike, and was a woman adored by many.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Lay 'Em Down

So I have this issue with stressing myself out about things that most of the time don't even matter. And when they do matter, nine times out of ten, they are completely out of my control anyway. Even knowing this, I get myself all bent out of shape when things don't happen by my timeframe or when they don't turn out exactly like I think they should.
I've been going to a little church here, and a couple of weeks ago, Bro. Todd preached about this, and I swear he knew all about my crazy lady planner and how I get so worked up about things and it was like he was just telling me to get a grip. We talked about all the things that people worry themselves sick about, and he just kept saying "God's got this."
So honestly, what are you (and I) worrying about and stressing out over that you honestly believe God cannot handle on His own? If He can take care of the birds He created (Matt. 6:26), how much more do you think He will care for you, His child? Your cares are His cares, and He knows what's troubling your heart. Lay those things down at the cross and stop picking them back up. If you're not willing to let Him carry them for you, quit asking Him to. I've seen a quote several times that I just love that says "Don't ask God to guide your footsteps if you're not willing to move your feet." The same goes for whatever is troubling you. When you turn those things over to God, if you continually keep picking them back up, how are you ever going to receive peace about any of them? Let God take care of it. He's got this.
Matthew 6:25-27  “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?  Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?"

Monday, July 1, 2013

Cookeville = Conway

Most of my adventures here are solo ones since I have yet to find any good, Godly friends. But that is okay--God gave me an independent spirit for a reason! I was off work last Friday and Saturday, so I decided to venture to the nearest "big city." I am only about four miles from the Tennessee state line, and I had been told that Cookeville, TN was a pretty good place to go, so that's where Patsy (my GPS--ha!) and I went! As it turns out, Cookeville IS Conway. It's a college town, and has the same sort of area and atmosphere as UCA does around its campus. It also has a little outdoor strip mall area just like the Commons as well as a Kroger and Wal-Mart. Same restaurants, same stores, same everything. So needless to say, I felt right at home! I had a pretty rough week the week before because I started feeling homesick for the first time, so the familiarity was just what I needed. I stayed there for most of the day just wandering around and relishing in my own little Conway, and it was just heaven. I never thought I would miss the 501 as much as I do, but I'm so thankful to have found somewhere I can go that will make me feel almost as if I were home.

I also started attending Grace Union Baptist Church a couple weeks ago, and so far, I am loving it! It is just like my Granny's church, and it is so precious. Definitely a world apart from FBC, but it is the best they have around here. Everyone is Church of Christ in this area, so there are only two Baptist churches anywhere even remotely close. Grace Union is tiiiiiiny compared to FBC--about 70 people total! The entire sanctuary is about a quarter of the size of the Fellowship Hall, and the choir is just whoever wants to come up and sing every Sunday. But let me tell you, these people love the Lord and they are all so welcoming and down to earth. The pastor is hilarious, but he sure knows how to lay down some scripture and keep you on the edge of the pew for every second of that service. It's a great place to be, and I think it's where I'll stay for the summer.

I love and miss you all dearly, and I'm so blessed to be loved so much by such kind people!
