Monday, July 1, 2013

Cookeville = Conway

Most of my adventures here are solo ones since I have yet to find any good, Godly friends. But that is okay--God gave me an independent spirit for a reason! I was off work last Friday and Saturday, so I decided to venture to the nearest "big city." I am only about four miles from the Tennessee state line, and I had been told that Cookeville, TN was a pretty good place to go, so that's where Patsy (my GPS--ha!) and I went! As it turns out, Cookeville IS Conway. It's a college town, and has the same sort of area and atmosphere as UCA does around its campus. It also has a little outdoor strip mall area just like the Commons as well as a Kroger and Wal-Mart. Same restaurants, same stores, same everything. So needless to say, I felt right at home! I had a pretty rough week the week before because I started feeling homesick for the first time, so the familiarity was just what I needed. I stayed there for most of the day just wandering around and relishing in my own little Conway, and it was just heaven. I never thought I would miss the 501 as much as I do, but I'm so thankful to have found somewhere I can go that will make me feel almost as if I were home.

I also started attending Grace Union Baptist Church a couple weeks ago, and so far, I am loving it! It is just like my Granny's church, and it is so precious. Definitely a world apart from FBC, but it is the best they have around here. Everyone is Church of Christ in this area, so there are only two Baptist churches anywhere even remotely close. Grace Union is tiiiiiiny compared to FBC--about 70 people total! The entire sanctuary is about a quarter of the size of the Fellowship Hall, and the choir is just whoever wants to come up and sing every Sunday. But let me tell you, these people love the Lord and they are all so welcoming and down to earth. The pastor is hilarious, but he sure knows how to lay down some scripture and keep you on the edge of the pew for every second of that service. It's a great place to be, and I think it's where I'll stay for the summer.

I love and miss you all dearly, and I'm so blessed to be loved so much by such kind people!


1 comment:

  1. Hey sweet heart it is good to read that you found a good Godly church . We miss you and your mom. Tell her hello for me and uncle Mike. I love the name of your GPS . Take care
